9th RHESSI Workshop

Genova, Italy, September 1-5 2009



Calum Alexander

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK

Email: calum (at) astro.gla.ac.uk

Group 1

Contribution: Kontar and Brown (2006ApJ...653L.149K) used the photospheric albedo as a constraint on the downward beaming of electrons using a two directional representation of the photon spectra and similarly for the density weighted-volumetric mean flux spectra of electrons averaged in angular distribution. They found that when allowance was made for the albedo contribution to the observed HXR spectra, the obsence of a strong albedo feature precluded the basic models with strong downward beaming, including the collisional thick target.

Using synthetic anisotropic observed photon spectra generated from a hemisphere averaged, empirically fitted, Greens function approach and a full radiative transfer solution approach we have confirmed the findings published by Kontar and Brown. Furthermore we show that doing full anisotropic scattering properly does not fundamentally change the findings that the electron distribution is nearly isotropic which casts doubt on models that are based upon beaming.


Group 4

Contribution: -




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