9th RHESSI Workshop

Genova, Italy, September 1-5 2009



Gordon Emslie

Department of Physics, Oklahoma State University, US

Email: gordon.emslie (at) okstate.edu

Group 1

Contribution: I intend to participate in the discussion surrounding the various imaging spectroscopy methods, with a focus on exactly what key scientific questions can be addressed by each method.  In particular, I am interested in evaluation of the variation of source size with energy (photon or electron) in extended sources, which can be used to provide empirical estimates of the size and density of the acceleration region, and so (when compared with the spatially-integrated) hard X-ray flux, the efficiency of the electron acceleration process.

Group 4

Contribution:  I am interested in the use of hard X-ray directivity and polarization to constrain the angular distribution of the accelerated electrons and/or the geometry of the source.  Further, I submit that the \"dips\" found in spatially-integrated mean source electron spectra are in fact better characterized as \"humps\" (at a slightly higher energy).  Such features are not unexpected, given the evolution of an electron spectrum under the action of Coulomb collisions, and so why we seldom see such \"dip/hump\" features (after correction for albedo) is therefore an interesting question.




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