9th RHESSI Workshop

Genova, Italy, September 1-5 2009



Guangli Huang

Purple Mountain Observatory, Nanjing, China

Email: glhuang (at) pmo.ac.cn

Group 4

Contribution: -

Group 2

Contribution: A new feature of hard-soft-hard in the spectral evolution of solar hard X-ray and microwave bursts. It is well known that the soft-hard-soft or soft-hard-harder pattern appears in the spectral evolution of most solar hard X-ray and microwave bursts. We pay particular attention to some hard X-ray and microwave bursts with multiple sub-peaks and find a new feature of hard-soft-hard pattern which does exist in each sub-peak. However, the soft-hard-soft or soft-hard-harder tendency still appears in the total spectral evolution of the microwave bursts. It is interesting that there is gradual conversion from soft-hard-soft in lower energies to hard-soft-hard in higher energies for the hard X-ray bursts. Some possible explanations are proposed for the hard-soft-hard pattern in solar hard X-ray and microwave bursts, respectively.




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