9th RHESSI Workshop

Genova, Italy, September 1-5 2009



Mykola Gordovskyy

School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, UK

Email: mykola.gordovskyy (at) manchester.ac.uk

Group 2

Contribution: Electron and ion acceleration in reconnecting current sheets (CS) is considered to be one of the key mechanisms producing high-energy particle beams in solar flares. Fast progress of CS through different configurations would result in variation of particle beam characteristics. Therefore, it is essential to study particle acceleration based on evolutionary CS models.

In the present work, electron and ion trajectories are calculated using the magnetic and electric fields from MHD simulations of forced reconnection in a 2D CS. This allows us to study temporal variation of the energy spectra and directions of particle ejection for different species.

We would like to discuss possible implications of these results to the interpretation of the observed non-thermal gamma-ray, hard X-ray and radio emission. In addition, we would like to discuss possible constrains that could be imposed on our model by recent observational data




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