9th RHESSI Workshop

Genova, Italy, September 1-5 2009



Ryan Milligan

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, US

Email: ryan.o.milligan (at) nasa.gov

Group 4

Contribution: My contribution to the group will involve the diagnosis of accelerated electrons through HXR observations. In particular, I am interested in investigating the effects that electron beams have on the ambient material in the chromosphere and corona, and how variations in their spectral parameters effect the response of the target material. I am also involved in the analysis of events in which the nonthermal emission is observed at the onset of the flare before it is dominated by thermal emission, providing information of electron energies down to a few keV.

Group 1

Contribution: I wish to learn more about the latest techniques for analyzing HXR emission for the purposes of diagnosing nonthermal electrons.




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