9th RHESSI Workshop

Genova, Italy, September 1-5 2009



Siming Liu

Purple Mountain Observatory, Nanjing, China

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK

Email: sliu (at) astro.gla.ac.uk

Group 2

Contribution: I will discuss two approaches for the study of particle acceleration in solar flares. First, for relatively simple flares (e.g., flares associated with single loops) with good observational coverage, detailed modelling is possible and should aim at fitting all the observed data with as few free parameters as possible. It is therefore necessary to incorporate all the important physical processes in the modelling, and free parameters may be introduced to simplify the treatment of some of these processes. For more general and complex flares, such detailed modelling is challenging and even impossible (e.g., observations may never be able to provide sufficient information on the initial and boundary conditions of complex flares for detailed modelling.). Given the high degree of freedoms and uncertainties for these flares, a statistical approach is necessary with the aim of identifying correlations among different observed quantities and associated these correlations with related physical processes. Qualitative description of physical processes in complex flares is possible, as is done in most observational papers. The physical processes identified with the first approach can be used for quantitative studies.

Group 4

Contribution: Solar flares involve many physical processes. It is important to distinguish these processes for proper interpretation of the rich temporal, spatial, and spectral phenomena. I will discuss phenomena directly related to the energy release and particle acceleration processes.




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