9th RHESSI Workshop

Genova, Italy, September 1-5 2009

Working Group 1

Website created by Marco Prato

Comments and suggestions to marco.prato (at) unimore.it


Working Group 1

Imaging, Spectroscopy, and Imaging Spectroscopy: Techniques and Applications

Leaders: S. Krucker and M. Piana


The past few years has seen a rapid growth in the development of imaging techniques, spectroscopy analysis (in both photon and electron domains), and imaging spectroscopy techniques, all applicable to RHESSI observations.  Imaging techniques include new CLEAN algorithms, visibility-based methods (forward-fit, inversion-based, and interpolation-based), in addition to the “traditional” MEM, pixon, forward-fit, etc. Spectroscopy techniques include forward-fit, regularized inversion, and “matrix inversion,” and may or may not incorporate things like albedo, electron-electron bremsstrahlung, bound-free emission, angular-dependent cross-sections, etc.

It is therefore becoming apparent that, to some extent, the choice of imaging and/or spectroscopy analysis method that is best to use depends on exactly what science question you are trying to answer.  For example, some methods are excellent for studying morphological development, but less good if accurate photometry is required.  Some are better than others if high time resolution is required.  Directivity studies need special attention to source geometry.  And so on.

This group will review the strengths and weaknesses of various methods for imaging, spectroscopy, and imaging spectroscopy using  RHESSI data, with particular attention on evaluating the applicability of various methods to various science questions.




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