9th RHESSI Workshop

Genova, Italy, September 1-5 2009

Working Group 4

Website created by Marco Prato

Comments and suggestions to marco.prato (at) unimore.it


Working Group 4

Other Aspects of Solar Flare Emissions

Leader: E. P. Kontar


The group will unite theorists and observers working to discuss several recent developments in the interpretation of high-energy radiation, such as:

a) what role does bound-free emission play at energies less than ~20 keV?
b) why is the 511 keV line so broad?
c) what can be learned from the Fe/Ni lines near 7-8 keV?

d) what are the SXR and HXR source sizes and heights?

e) what is the role of albedo in the overall HXR emission, and to what extent does it explain certain spectral features?
f) what can we gather from hard X-ray polarization and directivity measurements?
g) how are gamma-ray and hard X-ray source positions related?
h) to what extent does electron-electron bremsstrahlung account for spectral flattening at high energies?
i) do accelerated electrons have enough energy to produce white light flares?

The actual list of topics will be determined by the group participants.  Please indicate which topic(s) you would like to see discussed. 




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