Program of posters: Algebraic Statistics 2015, June 8-11, University of Genoa
Note: A letter next to each title refers to a discussant. See * below.
Note: If possible, all posters should be hanging on Monday.
List of posters

Anna Bigatti (Genova), Massimo Caboara (Pisa)
                    A statistical package in CoCoA-5 (R)

Isaac Burke (National University of Ireland, Galway)
                    Exploiting symmetry in characterizing bases of toric ideals (R)

Alberto Caimo
(University of Lugano)
                    Bayesian computation for exponential random graph models (L)

Carlos Améndola Cerón
(New York University)
                    Pearson’s crabs: Algebraic Statistics in 1894 (W)
Jan Draisma (TU Eindhoven), Rob Eggermont (TU Eindhoven)
                    Degree bounds on tree models (S)

Roberto Fontana (Politecnico di Torino), Fabio Rapallo (Università del Piemonte Orientale), Maria Piera Rogantin (Genova)
                    Optimality criteria and geometry of fractional factorial designs

Mousa Golalizadeh (Tarbiat Modares University), M. Rahimi (Tarbiat Modares University) [participation to be confirmed]
                    Symbolic computations for defining diffusion processes on torus using dihedral angles coordinates (P)

Christiane Görgen
(University of Warwick), Jim Q. Smith (University of Warwick)
                    Equivalence classes of chain event graph models (L)

Kei Kobayashi
(ISM Tokyo), Henry P. Wynn (London School of Economics)
                    Intrinsic and extrinsic means and curvature of metric cones (P)

Nikolaus Rudak (Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts),
Sonja Kuhnt (Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts), Eva Riccomagno (Genova)
                    Numerical algebraic fan of a design for statistical model building (W)

Hugo Maruri-Aguilar
(Queen Mary), S. Lunagómez (University College London)
                    Persistence of terms in lasso (P)

Yael Berstein (McCombie Lab), Hugo Maruri-Aguilar (Queen Mary), Shmuel Onn (Technion Haifa), Eva Riccomagno (Genova), Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón (Universidad de La Rioja), Henry P.  Wynn (London School of Economics)

                    The algebraic method in experimental designs (W)
Fatemeh Mohammadi (IST Austria)
                    Conditional independence relations in Gaussian DAG models (S)

Guido Montúfar
(Max Planck, Leipzig), Johannes Rauh (York University)
                    Mode poset probability polytopes (L)

Elisa Palezzato
                    Computing simplicial complexes with CoCoA (R)

Dmitry Pavlov (IAA St. Petersburg) 
                    Finding the statistical fan of an experimental design (R)

Elisa Perrone
(Johannes Kepler University, Linz),
                    Generalized Fréchet bounds: from contingency tables to discrete copulas (L)

Virginia Pirino
(Genova), Eva Riccomagno (Genova), Sergio Martinoia
(Genova), Paolo Massobrio
                    Algebraic-statistics tools for network dynamics and connectivity in in vitro cortical cultures (P)

Fulvio Ricceri
(University of Turin),
                    Use of algebraic statistics in epidemiological context (P)

Maria Sofia Massa (University of Oxford), Eva Riccomagno (Genova),
                    Algebraic representation of Gaussian models combinations (L)
Eleonora Saggini (Genova), Maria-Laura Torrente (Genova),
                    A new crossing criterion to assess path-following performance for Unmanned Marine Vehicles (W)

* S-L-W-R-P refers to Bernd Sturmfels, Steffen Lauritzen, Henry P. Wynn, Lorenzo Robbiano, Giovanni Pistone. Each of the five discussants will give some background for each group of posters.