The PhD Programme

The Department of Mathematics at the University of Genova offers two graduate programmes leading to the Ph.D. degree.

Research areas. The main active research areas at our Department of Mathematics are:

  • algebraic and complex geometry,
  • algebraic number theory and arithmetic geometry,
  • analytic number theory,
  • commutative algebra and computer algebra,
  • geometrical methods in physical theories,
  • harmonic and functional analysis,
  • mathematics education,
  • mathematical logic and category theory,
  • mathematical aspects of quantum mechanics and algebraic quantum field theory,
  • microlocal analysis and partial differential equations,
  • noncommutative derived geometry and mathematical physics,
  • numerical analysis and computational methods with applications in medical imaging, neurosciences and astrophysics,
  • probability and mathematical statistics.

Application. Students have to apply by filling in the application form available at the “Bando di Ammissione al XL ciclo del Dottorato di ricerca” web page of the University of Genova and also at the web page for the English version. The deadline for the application is July 9th, 2024. Further information about the application can be found at the link above. The call for theĀ  XL cicle with a deadline for the new applications will be opened soon.

Number of positions. In the last call, there were available 7 positionsĀ  for the Graduate Programme in “Mathematics and Applications” and 9 in the Graduate Programme “Mathematical Methods for Data Analysis” on some specific research projects whose detailed description can be found in the official call. These positions, all of which are covered by grants, started in November 2024.


Director of the Graduate Program: Prof. Stefano Vigni

Administrative officers: Mrs. Rossana Trematerra, Mrs. Ainhoa Larrauri