(1994) Conca - Divisor class group and canonical class of determinantal rings defined by ideals of minors of a symmetric matrix

(1994) Conca - Grobner bases of ideals of minors of a symmetric matrix

(1994) Conca - Symmetric ladders

(1994) Conca Herzog - On the Hilbert Function of Determinantal Rings and Their Canonical Module

(1995) Conca - Ladder determinantal rings

(1996 ) Conca - Hilbert-Kunz function of monomial ideals and binomial hypersurfaces

(1996) Conca - Gorenstein ladder determinantal rings

(1996) Conca Herzog Valla - Sagbi bases with applications to blow-up algebras

(1997) Bruns Conca - F-rationality of determinantal rings and their Rees rings

(1997) Conca - Grobner bases of powers of ideals of maximal minors

(1997) Conca Herzog - Ladder Determinantal Rings Have RationalSingularities

(1997) Conca Herzog Trung Valla - Diagonal subalgebras of bigraded algebas and embeddings of blow-ups of projective spaces

(1998) Bruns Conca  - KRS and powers of determinantal ideals

(1998) Conca - Straightening law and powers of determinantal ideals of Hankel matrices

(1999) Conca DeNegri - M-sequences, graph ideals, and ladder ideals of linear type

(1999) Conca Valla - Hilbert Function of powers of ideals of low codimension

(2000) Conca - Grobner Bases For Spaces Of Quadrics Of Low Codimension

(2000) Conca - Hilbert function and resolution of the powers of the ideal of the rational normal curve

(2000) Conca - Universally Koszul algebras

(2000) Conca Valla - Betti numbers and lifting of Gorenstein codimension three ideals

(2001)  Bruns,  Conca - KRS and determinantal ideals

(2001) Bruns Conca - Algebras of minors

(2001) Conca DeNegri Rossi - On the rate of points in projective spaces 

(2001) Conca Rossi Valla - Grobner Flags and Gorenstein algebras

(2001) Conca Trung Valla - Koszul property for points in projective spaces

(2002) Conca - Universally Koszul algebras defined by monomials

(2003) Conca - Reduction numbers and initial ideals

(2003) Conca Herzog - Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of products of ideals

(2004) Conca - Koszul homology and extremal properties of gin and lex

(2004) Conca Herzog Hibi - Rigid Resolutions and big Betti numbers

(2004) Conca Valla - The dimension of certain catalecticant variaties

(2005) Bigatti Conca Robbiano - Generic Initial Ideals and Distractions

(2005) Conca DeNegri Jayanthan Rossi - Graded rings associated with contracted ideals

(2005) Conca Sidman - Generic initial ideals of points and curves

(2007) Conca - Linear spaces, transversal polymatroids and ASL domains

(2007) Conca DeNegri Rossi -Contracted ideals and  the Grobner fan of the rational normal curve

(2007) Conca, Hoşten, Thomas - Nice initial complexes of some classical ideals

(2008) Conca Valla - Canonical Hilbert-Burch matrices for ideals of k[x,y]

(2009) Conca - Grobner bases for spaces of quadrics of codimension 3

(2009) Conca Krattenthaler Watanabe - Regular sequences of symmetric polynomials

(2010) Conca DeNegri Rossi - Integrally closed and componentwise linear ideals

(2010) Avramov Conca Iyengar - Free resolution over commutative Koszul algebras

(2010) Conca Romer- Generic initial ideals and fiber products

(2011) Bruns Conca Romer - Koszul homology and syzygies of Veronese subalgebras

(2011) Bruns Conca Romer - Koszul cycles

(2013) Caviglia Conca - Koszul property of projections of the Veronese cubic surfaces

(2013) Bruns Conca Varbaro - Relations between the minors of a generic matrix

(2013) Buchweitz Conca - New free divisors from old

(2013) Conca De Negri Rossi - Koszul Algebras and Regularity

(2014) Conca - Koszul Algebras and Their Syzygies


(2003)  Bruns,  Conca - Gröbner bases and determinantal ideals (arxiv version)

(2006) Conca  - Regularity jumps for powers of ideals.  (This version is better than the arxiv and published version, some mistakes are corrected)
(2008) Conca - Koszul algebras and Groebner bases of quadrics (Nagoya 2007)